Helping Families Flourish
Nurturing Touch Therapy serves infants and families in the Madison, Wisconsin area with occupational therapy, lactation support, classes, infant massage, and more.
Patricia Smith, Occupational Therapist and International Board Certified Lactation Consultant
provides proactive and holistic assessment and treatments for a range of issues.
Support for Infants, Babies, and Children
Breastfeeding and eating support
Torticollis and plagiocephaly
Neuromuscular and developmental concerns
Digestive concerns and colic (infant sensory regulation)
Tongue ties
Support for Adults
Headaches & post-concussion syndrome
Chronic pain, accidents, and injuries
Pregnancy issues: back pain, breech presentations, and birth trauma
Infant massage instruction
Therapy Techniques Used
All visits start with an in-depth assessment. I use a wide range of gentle, effective, and hands-on therapies to assess and support my patients of all ages, including:
Craniosacral therapy, a gentle aligning and soft tissue treatment.
Lymphatic drainage, to manage inflammatory responses.
Visceral Manipulation, working directly and gently with organ restrictions.
Neurodevelopmental treatment, working with how the body develops in its beautiful order to adapt in the best possible way.
Breast congestion relief method: a combination of therapies to resolve breast tissue congestion and optimize milkflow.
Therapeutic cupping: to relieve tension and increase blood flow to improve healing.